Big data in health – IMI’s HARMONY project

Start Date 19/06/2018
Brussels, Belgium

On 19 June 2018, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) held a breakfast debate at the European Parliament in Brussels on big data and IMI’s HARMONY project.

The event, kindly hosted by Soledad Cabezón Ruiz MEP, featured a discussion with health and big data experts, policymakers, and researchers. Through the example of the IMI project – which aims to improve the care of patients with hematologic cancer – the debate touched upon challenges and opportunities of using big data and eHealth services in healthcare systems.

Download the agenda

Download the presentations:

European Commission’s eHealth Plan – ‘Towards a common European data space’ - Katja Neubauer, Senior Expert for Digital Health, European Commission

IMI’s programme ‘Big Data for Better Outcomes’ (BD4BO) - Pierre Meulien, Executive Director, Innovative Medicines Initiative

HARMONY, an alliance on healthcare services through big data and research - Jesús María Hernández, HARMONY Alliance Coordinator

The experience of Andalusia in eHealth and big data - Joaquín Dopazo, Director of the Bioinformatics Area, Andalusian ‘Progress and Health’ Public Foundation